3D Printers, Makers, DIY hacks, solutions and post printing tools

Created by Emil Pop on 13 April, 2018

Cleaning automatic generated supports in undesired location in 3D printing

Printing an air conveyor as the one already on the printing head, to move the air flow of the cooling neck ventilator to also wash the printed filament to fast chill it but without washing the extruder at all.

That means I have generated some portions that work like a pipe, totally enclosed, impossible to clean in after printing process.

Hence I am bound to clean the automated generated supports from inside the pipe before the pipe itself is closed, right before the ceiling printing layer.

Thus I pause the printer, bring forward the bed to have the conveyor at hand, clean with the nail polsih router of my wife (my router is still somewhere in the Amazon Fulfillment pipeline expecting to be delivered) with the most rough bit she has (I bought more coarse ones for me) that as you can see is more melting than sawing in the plastic.

Once the airways in the pipe are clear I can restart the printer to finish the job alright.