Electric Motorcycles & Electric Bicycles

Created by Steven Minichiello on 30 October, 2020

Honda's move to electrification of their motorcycle line starts next year

I was researching to see what Honda was doing in regard to moving toward electric motorcycles (now the term is 'electrification' is being used) and I found this article discussing their patents and changes to their frame to allow for installation of the major components :


Like many of the early entries, the starting point seems to be in the low cc engine class and in this case the CB125R (125 cc), which is like the cross-over from an electric bicycle to an electric motorcycle.

I think that the rational reasoning is that as part of early adoption is early 'trials' to see how efficient and how practical the new designs are functioning and being accepted into the marketplace.

Moreover this is the low-hanging fruit since smaller motorcycles have reduced size, complexity, weight, and therefore lower costs since there are at least 20% and as much as 33% new, unproven components (motor, batteries, charger, throttle, monitors, gages, ... etc).

For the roadmap from the horse's mouth, check out the Honda electric motorcycle roadmap and you will see what I mean :


One of the things to watch for as I mentioned in another thread is whether or not the battery pack is swappable. This is going to be a big deal for those who don't want to wait for charging and for those that want extended range where there may not be a charger for miles. It also allows for commuters to have multiple battery charging stations at different locations for less than a minute wait times.

This is Honda's Mobile Power Pack that was introduced at CES in 2018 :


Whether or not that has changed in size or configuration still needs to be seen, but the most recent news is that the pack is pretty much the same as introduced :


Which is about 20% less than the battery pack that I designed, therefore about 1/5 less batteries (which is (5) parallel cells equating 25 Amps @ 3.7V (nominal) of (13) cells series ) :

Most importantly is that Honda has partnered up with a few other manufacturers to create a swappable battery standard across multiple product lines and has a vision of using the packs for home use as well :


Other things to look for are torque to electrical power, fast charge time, battery pack capacity, range, and weight as well as styling. Notice that charge time is 5 hours which is not just for safety, but also for long battery life !! - - This is why swappable packs are so important !!

There is a fun video from this guy on youtube that seems to had too much coffee that also explains the criterion I mentioned above:
