GrabCAD Community User Group

Created by Anna Skopenko on 10 January, 2018

Hey GrabCAD Community,

Kesa here with the first Community Checkup, What is a Community Checkup? Its myself around the Community asking around seeing what you all have been feeling about GrabCAD recently and any thoughts or changes that you want to see or address. Also give you guys a little inside look of what is currently happening Behind the Scenes to get you excited about a couple things.

We are currently overall hauling a bunch of features here at GrabCAD, also have a few surprises coming to Groups and Badges soon and im really excited to get these out once our dev team is complete with these features. When new features arise I will be posting a Patch notes Discussion in the groups so be sure to be on the look out ever so often so you know exactly what new.

In other news we have a GrabCAD Meet-up planned in the office next month, there will be more details on that in the the coming weeks and we will even have something for people who cant make the meet up as well.

Remember if you have and issues and concerns that you need someone to address, Don't be afraid to send me an email at



GrabCAD Community Manager