GrabCAD Precision automation design 精密自动化设计

Created by Lai Lee on 8 November, 2018

有没有什么结构方式可以高速完成产品的分选?Is there any structural way to complete product sorting at high speed?


Is there any structural way to complete product sorting at high speed?


The product shape size is 0.4x0.4x0.35mm. The resistance value of each product is random. The resistance value of each product is divided into 12 grades.


Requirements: 20 products with random resistance value can be completed in 2 - 3 seconds and put into 12 boxes with corresponding resistance value.


Equipment capacity: 24 000 pcs/h ~ 36 000 pcs/h;

备注:产品供料方式已有成熟方式,按整齐1排,间距可以根据需要设定,间距设定范围在 2mm~15mm;

Note: There is a mature way of product supply, according to the neat row, the spacing can be set according to need, the spacing is set in the range of 2mm ~ 15mm;