I Designed It, I Built It

Created by Rollin Shultz on 30 April, 2018

Designed a Sheet Metal Fixture for the CNC Machine in our college .Check it out !!

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRc2P9rmXPg

Hello everyone,

I have created a new fixture for the CNC Machine in our college.We did it as we found it difficult to set the plate on the bed surface of the CNC. As a result, I created this fixture that we have been using for almost 1 year [exact 2 semesters ] of my college.I have created a tutorial showing how the fixture was designed and the link is shared above.Here is the CNC Machine in our college:

Here is the render showing how the fixture was designed in Autodesk Inventor:

Here is the photo of the fixture model before we created a pocket in the sheet metal fixture:

Here is how the fixture looks: