Keyshot Users

Created by FredSWUG on 6 June, 2018

How can I make the joint between parts with the same material visible after rendering ?

I made an logo image of the my gearbox model using the KeyShot program.
If I add the same material to the cap of the gearbox and to the case of gear box, then the joint between these parts is not visible in the picture. I dont like it.
How can I make the joint between parts with the same material visible?
This model can be downloaded from the link: Gear box
Thank you all in advance for the answers.

Accepted answer

Add a small chamfer to the edges of the parts.
At the same time add a small radius to all other sharp edges in the model(s). Renderings with sharp edges look unnatural.

There's also an option to render the edges/contours of parts but that option is better when aiming for an image that looks more like an illustration.

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