Radio Frequency (RF) & Wireless Design

Created by Steven Minichiello on 27 April, 2018

Good article on the upcoming launch of the James Webb Space Telescope

This article :

Has good information about how the new James Webb space telescope will improve our understanding of the universe by being able to increase the resolution of imaging to detect even dimmer stars and galaxies and will set the trend for the next revolution of exploring space.

Although there has been recent improvements in ground space telescopes, both radio and optical, there is so much optical path loss from pollution, atmospheric conditions, and just general 'noise' that its natural that exploring space needs to be done *in space* !

So i look forward to the success of this next generation of space telescope and hope that it offers even more amazing images of what's out there.

NASA plans to launch the James Webb Space Telescope into orbit December 25, 2021

(- - - - TOMORROW ! - - - -)