designs and drawing of a reactor,condensor(heat exhanger with a shell and tube) and a distillation column for a pyrolysis plant.

Need help with components of a pyrolysis plant to convert plastic to fuel

3 Answers

A pyrolysis plant to convert plastic to fuel, seems to be a great idea. The amount of plastic waste to dispose of is becoming a big problem world wide. The first step in coming up with a design to suit your requirements depends on the amount of waste, available budget along with engineering resources available to you. A quick youtube search will turn up a range of options from backyard D.I.Y

More sophisticated small plant

To commercial scale plant

So the first step is to make sure you understand the basic process then come up with a basic specification as regards to level of sophistication processing rate then the designs of the component parts can be worked on

the most biggest problems in plastics is additives. For that reason you have most problems to solve a quality of prylisis. That probleems must solve a chemical engineers, but what to do with a waste from this process?