how can we draw a 4 side pyramid in the solidworks?

i need it step by step sir

13 Answers

On the front plane, sketch a triangle. Extrude mid plane
On the right plane sketch a triangle. Extrude cut, mid plane, check the 'Flip side to cut' box.

here is the solution and tutorial hope you would like it....

Answered with a tutorial:

On the front plane, sketch a central rectangle, close sketch, open a new plan 100 mm above, open a new sketch and put a point in the midle of origem, close skecth and do a loft. Done.

4 side pyramid can be created using a rectangle and a point in 4 steps as below...

Answered with a tutorial:

i guess a loft of point and square?its easy

can draw a rectangle on a selected plane....draw a parallel plane like the selected plane....go to features & use loft boss

Check this out! Four Sided Pyramid

so easy