How to create a model with FreeCAD Wiring?

How to draw 3D Sketch?

1 Answer

You must have already moved on, but here are a few ways to solve the problem just in case:
1) Using 2D sketches and making attachments between them ;
2) In some cases, it is also possible to use the "Mixed Curve" tool in the Curves workshop, which allows you to generate a 3D curve from the projection of 2 sketches ;
3) There is a function to create DWire in the Dodo WB workshop which looks like a 3D sketch function: you can draw on one plane and then on another, until you have a 3D contour ;
4) JoinCurves (Curves workshop) in CornerBreak mode which also does the job.

Otherwise for quick answers on FreeCAD it's better to go to the user forum :