Adding Part Numbers to Toolbox Items(SolidWorks)

Adding Custom Part Numbers to Toolbox Items

  1. Step 1: Video Link

    This is easiest in video format, Follow this link:

  2. Step 2: Finding the right Menu:

    There are two places to find the Configuration Menu. The First inside the toolbox. Locate the part number that you'd like to configure, right click, and select the "Configure..." option in the Menu:

    The Second Place is to go to your options, Hole Wizard/Toolbox and Select the button labeled "Configure...":

    a Menu will Pop up. If it doesn't take you to the hardware tab. you can get to that menu by selecting the "2" on the upper bar:

  3. Step 3: Make Your Own Folder, Add Parts

    On the Left Side Nav Panel You can see all the parts. I suggest creating your own section by creating a folder, naming it, and then pasting in the files that you want to change. This will keep the originals from getting messed up.

  4. Step 4: Edit the Part:

    Click the part to Get into the File:

    Remove Unused parts and Configurations. I Suggest you only have one drive type, one material, one thread style etc. for Every part, you need a different part number. This will save on the part numbers you need to create:

    Export the Final Table. Save the excel file to your computer. DO NOT RENAME IT! That would cause issues in the future.

  5. Step 5: Edit the Table:

    Open the Excel File and Add in the part number and Descriptions that you want. I find it easiest to use equations to add strings together with the properties such as:

    =[size]&"-"&[length]&" Set Screw" will result in 0.25-0.625 Set Screw.

    adding in rounding functions and formatting with =TEXT() will help make pretty part numbers. Play with these.

    When Finished, Copy and "Paste Values" over the equations. SolidWorks will not like these being equations, they will want it as a simple string:

    Lastly be sure to save and close the table.

  6. Step 6: Import the Table

    Using the same button as before. Import the table you just finished:

    The parts numbers should add in:

  7. Step 7: Add Part to the Assembly

    Now the Part Number and Description should be in the BOM Properly. Change the part a couple of times to be sure that it is updating properly:
