Cross Belt Drive

I started investigating about making cross belt Pulley, but had no correct resource so started to think and finally revealed with trick and idea. Here it is:

  1. Step 1: Procedure:

    Draw two circles apart may be of equal diameter or different one. Use Bi-tangent line to create cross tangent line and trim off the inner most part as shown:

    Next use output feature (command: c:Output feature) to separate two tangent lines.

    Also measure distance between point of contact of tangent line to local co-ordinate system and was found to be 162.53234 mm.

    From here we have to remember the thickness of belt say 5 mm thick and 10 mm long.

    Now extrude the two partial circles draw to the value of length (5 mm) with mirror extent.

    Next create a plane (my case zx plane) to copied distance:

    Now sketch a line on newly created plane as shown:

    Exit sketcher, now the most trick part coming;

    using boundary tool create line on all end of partial circle:

    Using spline create a spline touching these points:

    Now create another spline for other 3 points on one side; Use multisection surface to create surface;

    Now repeat the procedure for other side of pulley with final surface it should look like:

    Now join all surface and thick them for 5 mm (in this instance) and should look like:

    Model can be downloaded from: Tutorial and my practice.
