How to Manage Printer Materials in GrabCAD Shop

GrabCAD Shop allows users to manage their 3D printer materials via the Admin Console and the shop itself as an operator. Please note that only admins have access to the Admin Console.

  1. Step 1: Segment Your Shop by Technology

    After accepting your invitation to open your shop along with inviting users, the first step is to create separate user groups for your various technologies if applicable.

    First, Click User Groups. Groups are distinguished by which Shops they can access, and their user role. If you started by creating a shop, then 2 user groups are already created for each Shop in your company. Navigate to the New User Group button to create a group for each technology (ex. FDM, Polyjet, SAF, SLA, etc.) 

    Within each group you can employ these tactics to manage materials:

    • Assign specific operators to each technology group
    • Assign a fixed number of printers to each technology group
    • Assign the specific type of product in each technology group
    • Limit the amount of requestors in each technology group

    Once users are added to one of these groups, they can access the Shop. Your groups will also now populate your shop. Below is an example of how you can split your shop by material for better management:

  2. Step 2: Set Printer Materials in Machine Types

    With your specific shop a user can add printers and material associated with it. First navigate to material types to see the list of printers you added in Admin Console.

    From there you can edit the materials that are associated with your printer.

    Once you select the printer you wish to edit, you can then add or delete materials you have within your shop. You can also set prices within this menu for accurate billing when fabricating parts.

  3. Step 3: Use the Built-in Chat Feature

    Your operators are your eyes and ears within your shop. They will be a requestors point of contact when printing a job.

    By using the chat function, an operator can communicate any material restrictions, alterations, and availability when printing.

  4. Step 4: Using the Built-in Cost Calculator

    The 3D printing cost calculator gives operators the ability to quote an entire work order. This functionality can help managers properly plan for operating costs such as materials and aid in tracking overall material usage when printing. We have a full tutorial on how to use the cost calculator here!

  5. Step 5: In Summary

    The ability to manage the materials a shop has formed the backbone for running a 3D print shop. By having strong material management practices, it allows a shop to not only complete jobs in a timely manner, it gives the shop room to scale up or down depending on your needs. So if you run a small 3D printing operation now, GrabCAD Shop makes it easy to add more users as your business grows and productions scale up – without sacrificing security or dealing with complicated infrastructure!
