Surfacing With SolidWorks 03

Chapter three of our short course on surface modeling in SolidWorks. This time we will discuss the Boundary Surface tool (Part 1), and we will cover the topics of Tangency, Curvature, and ISO parametric curves.

Stay tuned for our next chapters.

  1. Step 1: Boundary Surface... Power Surfacing

  2. Step 2: Iso-Curves, Tangency & Curvature...

  3. Step 3: Measuring Curvature...

  4. Step 4: Clarifying Concepts...

  5. Step 5: Analyzing the Three Surface Joints...

  6. Step 6: Zebra Stripes & Surface Quality...

    This was the first part about the Boundary Surface tool.

    Don't miss the second part!

    Ciao (Bye)
