Time Saving Tricks Using Sketches Pt. 4

Patterning and mirrors are some of the best time-saving tools in SOLIDWORKS. With pattern and mirror, we can reuse the sketch geometry to spread across our part rather than manually creating the same sketch geometry over and over.

  1. Step 1: Create a hole in the bottom of your part

  2. Step 2: Click Linear Sketch Pattern

    Instead of creating another hole next to it, replicate the sketch geometry by using a linear sketch pattern. Click Linear Sketch Pattern. 

  3. Step 3: Set the number of instances (I will use “3” in this example).

  4. Step 4:

    Additionally, you can use mirror entities to mirror your sketch entities to the other side of your part. You simply need a Mirror About line. (In this example, I used my mirror line with my centerline).

    Enjoying this time-saving tutorial? Click here to watch the full video tutorial here and learn more about using the pattern and mirror tools in SOLIDWORKS. 
