Catia Users

Created by Ananth Narayan on 8 March, 2018

Help me to design infinity eight.

How to fillet the intersection part of two rings.

Accepted answer

S. Gayathri,

The "trick" to modeling this part in CATIA, is to use 2 GROOVE features of circles equal to the inside diameter. (This was suggested by Strong Dinasaur in a Challenge Group)

Then you should be able to add the internal Fillets on all 4 edges.

1 Other answer

Step 1: Make an "O" shape in a plane (let's say XY). Then pad it to create 3D figure.
Step 2: Chose a perpendicular plane (let's say XZ) and make the same "O" again. Create it's 3D figure.
NOTE: Make sure that the inner circumference of first design coincide with the outer circumference of other design.
Step 3: Use fillet to smoothen the edges along the circumference. Add colour as per your need.
I hope you shall have the desired result.
Thank you! Best wishes!