Electric Motorcycles & Electric Bicycles

Created by Steven Minichiello on 30 October, 2020

This article states that Suzuki is working on an electric motorcycle but that the market isn't ready (yet) ! : https://www.rideapart.com/news/430780/suzuki-electric-motorcycles-market-not-ready/

It doesn't mean that they are not interested but the argument is that they are too expensive.

Well that can be said for anything that the market adopts before it gets into high volume production and starts to commoditize.

So that what may be said today but that's not the reality over the last few years : https://www.drivespark.com/two-wheelers/2016/suzuki-extrigger-electric-motorcycle-patents-applied-015433.html


So perhaps they just want to hold their cards tight to their chest to see what plays out in the marketplace and may surprise us yet ! It might just look something like this : https://300mpg.org/2020/02/09/suzuki-sv650-electric-motorcycle/

or this : https://www.techeblog.com/suzuki-motorcycle/