Hydrofoil Technology

Created by Magnus Rahm on 16 July, 2018

3d print wing foil board

Hey guys!! I'm an avid wing foiler and I made my first board last year! I loved it but it weighs a ton, I am really interested in printing a complicatedly designed board but I don't have the know-how. if there's anyone on here who would want to take this project on with me you'd be making a simpleton very very happy.

The bow and stern of the board would be of different densities. There would be pockets for the foil tracks, the handle, the foot strap inserts, and the leash plug. It would have to be printable in small sections due to the size of the printer I have access to. I would wrap the whole thing in carbon fiber twill.

So! If anyone is interested in helping I'd love to hop on a phone call and explain better.
Thanks guys!!