Radio Frequency (RF) & Wireless Design

Created by Steven Minichiello on 27 April, 2018

Nordic semiconductor introduces new ETSI standard for private 5G mesh IoT networks

Pretty much everyone knows that Nordic Semiconductor who established the Bluetooth standard (which was named after Bluetooth the pirate) has been instrumental to introduce a new ETSI (European) standard DECT-2020 which will allow the emerging 5G network to embrace 'private' Bluetooth mesh networks as part of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Since home networks have started with Nest and other home environment networks, this standard will fill in the gaps for neighborhood control and monitoring electronics such as garbage, waste water, water sprinkers, ... etc.

There are already private standards for utilities such as water, gas, electric, cable, ... etc, however this standard will allow for more generic commercial use that will fold into the 5G cellular marketplace. This is especially true for high speed 5G at the higher Ka-Band (27 GHz ~ 40 GHz) frequencies where short range is a limiting factor, especially for low power.

So as the world moves into the full connectivity of all devices for IoT, this standard will provide a ubiquitous format for design and implementation guidance.

For more information about this emerging standard, contact ETSI :