Radio Frequency (RF) & Wireless Design

Created by Steven Minichiello on 27 April, 2018

working with different bands frequency in the mobile communication lab - disturbance

Hi guys, Im really wondering why we must working in the lab with different band frequency if we are working with OFDM frequencies ..why we need to work with different bands in different groups work on the lab?
I know that there's different groups that working in the labs in the same time so we need to have different bandwidth in order to not disturb to each other ..but that's why OFDM is here for working with same band without having disturbance to eachother even if we on the same band frequency ..

Any help why we still need to work with different band frequencies in the lab for each group although we are working with OFDM frequencies(each group works with different OFDM frequencies)? appreciated for any explanation..

1 Answer

Talk to you lab manager ! It seems like the close proximity of the NEAR FIELDS will cause interference to each of the lab experiments going on.

So its no surprise to me that you are working in different frequency bands !