
Created by Grabby The Bot on 27 April, 2018

how to create a correct thread in solidworks?

there are limited thread sizes in solidworks

2 Answers

Annotative threads and Threads both can used to create thread

I’m not sure what you mean by “correct” thread, but there are 2 common problems with SolidWorks threads.

1) The actual shape of the thread profile is not correct which is a problem if you 3D print threads. This can be corrected by making a copy of one of the built in thread profiles and adding a radius to the root or tip depending on whether it is an internal or external thread.

2) There is also a problem that not all standard threads are in the lookup table. Again I recommend making a copy of a close thread and adding the thread you would like. The SolidWorks thread profile equation is incomplete so adding a new thread requires the calculation of the thread height or you can correct the equation and make it easier to add threads in the future. The equations can be found here: