Applying Fillets to all edges in Solidworks

I have just read the tutorial from c0cd00a1 and thought that was interesting, but at the same time glad I use Solidworks!

7 Answers

Tutorial - all edge fillets!

Answered with a tutorial:

you can also use fillet expert that is very good tool.
just click on fillet > then on expert > select an edge or face or whatever you want to fillet and a small window opens allowing you to select various entities without selecting individually them. you can also skip the edges you do not want to get filleted.

You can also put the view into hidden lines visible and then drag a box around the model. Then select the fillet command.

Yes, good call Marc

goooooooood boy,,!

find it easy to use and time savings. thanks a lot buddy...........

If you preselect an edge of your model then press CTRL A this works in SW 2012, also works with faces, vertices, dimensions, sketch entities