Best laptop for CAD

I run Solidworks on a 2008 aluminum Macbook with 4 GB RAM, a 128 GB SSD, and a 750 HDD. Obviously I have a partition with Windows 7. Solidworks, Matlab, Mathcad, Comsol all run fine, but I'm wondering if it's worth the money to invest in a proper mobile workstation. I like the Lenovo W series, what other brands are decent that isn't Dell or Asus. I'm a 5th year undergraduate student and I'll be beginning my capstone in a few months.

2 Answers

Samsung makes a decant lap top.
Also are you familiar with Alien? they have a great lap top for gaming so Its more than just great for cad.
they can get a little pricey but well worth the extra cost.

Have you considered Pioneer DreamBook Power 17" Notebook Computers $599-$2999.
I have one. The main HDD is 256 SSD, with two 500 Gig backup HDD's, 24x 1600 gig ram (3 ram slots). Like a mobil desktop
You can buy one ready made or you can build one to suit your needs.