How can i open a downloaded assembly in another assembly

i downloaded a file that i need but its not working to open it in the assembly I have already created.

3 Answers

hey Markus Fehr,
If you have a file created by another programm (Inventor's files, for exemple), it doesn't run on Solidworks.

If you development this file on Solidworks interface, verify which extension you are saving all files.

In Solidworks, an assembly or part file cant be opened in existing assembly rather you have to add that assembly or part using "insert components".
To open an assembly, you would need all the component file along with the assembly file some where in the vicinity of assembly file.
Most probably you have downloaded an assembly file without the component files. This makes that assembly file useless in Solidworks as Solidworks will search the individual component files of an assembly and if Solidworks can't find those component files, Solidworks can't build the assembly.

To learn solidworks, go to the tutorial, help menu. ?menu