how long it will take to do a design new model drone for manufacturing with all futuristic features..????

want to design a drone with all features and should be new for all market products
design and testing fully should be done
how long it will take to do this....

3 Answers

about 10 meters

In a dozen years of meeting with, and working with numerous clients, one thing really stood out, and that was the inability to define the scope of the project.
A drone is a rather complex process, so lets look at something "easy" like a pair of tweezers.

The client wants me to design, develop, test, and have tweezers ready for them to sell as soon as possible. How long will it take? How much will it cost?

What do the tweezers do?
How are they different from the 1,000 other tweezers already available?
What are the tweezers made of?
Who are the primary customers of these tweezers?
Do you have some sketches or pictures to show the general design/shape?
How many tweezers do you anticipate order per month?
Will the tweezers be sold in stores? What stores? Online? What sites?
In what country will the tweezers be manufactured?
How will the tweezers be transported to market?
Do the tweezers require packaging?
Are graphics and literature for the tweezers needed?
Do you intend to sell and market the tweezers yourself, or are you looking for someone to buy the design/idea?
Do you plan to patent the tweezers?

Very few clients had given the project any consideration beyond the "I have an idea, make it happen" stage.
Answering and getting over the other questions is not terribly difficult, but it requires knowledge, research, and planning.
An engineer or designer can do nothing but make guesses until they are provided with all of the required information.
As CadCloud said, this project is too vague.

All features for all markets? LOL. You're a marketing guy right?

Anyway, I'll attempt an answer...

With a properly managed, solid cross-functional team of enough well seasoned players and well thought out specifications and obtainable requirements ready from the start, it could probably be done in 6 months to a year. (caveat city, right there!)

6 months if the design is well thought out ahead of time and most parts are readily available "off the shelf", a year if there's much 'invention' necessary and custom tooled components are required.

Why this time range? Been there, done that a time or three.

Mind you, this would still likely be a TIGHT schedule, design debugging and testing are always underestimated in my experience.

...and don't forget to plan for Chinese New Year!