How to create intesected holes in NX?

Hello. I'm modelling assemly of universal joint for practice purposes. I struggle with Intermediate coupler part where two holes intersect in one point Universal Joint Design In Nx. I have tried with hole feature and extrude, with united body and separated geometries, but none of these ways works. Any hints to create this part with correct method?

2 Answers

It's a zero thickness issue. Holes are offset 12 mm and are 12 mm in diameter. Easy solution? Make the holes 12.00x or offset something <12.0. With 2 decimal place drawings, no one will ever know the difference.

I probably should have given you the long answer but wanted to emphasize the importance of designing around the zero thickness issue. Try to stay away from that condition so that it doesn't cause problems later, when you need to make changes.

If you can't, then don't rely on hole booleans. Use Unite with defined regions for omission as shown in the example here. The (2) selected regions in "Define Region" dialog are the two regions which protrude into each 12 mm hole. Always good to know, because you'll run into plenty of other situations where this is helpful. Good luck.