how to drive wheels with direction by using single gear motor

i want to make a design of trolley with remote control forward and reverse motion and with directional movement

1 Answer

I'm not positive from the question what is desired, so my interpretations might be off.

With a single motor you'll have some serious limitations to directional movement. There may be better ways to solve the issue, but from what I've seen it usually involves:

*. The motor's primary use is in controlling forward and reverse motion.
*. "steering" is accomplished by running the vehicle in reverse.
*. When the vehicle move forward, it is mostly in a straight line
*. "steering" in reverse is accomplished by one wheel being set to it tilts/swivels a bit when rotating in reverse.
*. The tilting wheel causes the vehicle to always "steer" in one direction when reversing
*. Making a right turn is accomplished by reversing (the vehicle then circles to the left), then driving forward when pointing in the correct direction.
*. Making a left turn should be avoided. You'd have to drive in reverse until a complete "loop" were made, and the car was pointing in the desired direction.