How to edit projected sketch

Hello CAD community! Do you have any ideas how to solve my problem?
I want to project a sketch on body and be able to measure some distances between sketch lines and body edges. I want to edit the first flat sketch so I immediately see changes on projected sketch, measure it and do editions. Previously, I could see how projected sketch looks only in Artcam and measure real object after I cut it on CNC machine and then edit my scetch. This process is very time and money consuming so I want to find a way to mesure dimentions of projected scetch on PC before I cut my object with CNC machine.

1 Answer


Editing projected sketches depends on the software solution that you use. I see that you make use of Autodesk Artcam for your CNC machining while in the other two print screens it looks like you are using Autocad.

Within Autocad you could explode the polyline and afterwards have it redrawn to the desired shape.