How to move this ring into the end of the chain?

I just started taking an online course on SolidWorks recently. And I am learning by my own and trying to make a chain with a ring linking the former's end. Nevertheless, I am inundated with the tons of functions, buttons and steps, and I don't know where to start.
So I have one document, with two parts - one, the main part: chain; two, the Inserted Part: ring. Both have been designed in separated documents. They are not to be regarded as assembly when combined but rather a wallet with chain as the final asssembly/product. I wish to treat the chain and the ring as one single part. But now I am stumped and don't know how to align and link the ring into the end of the chain. I ended up like this after importing the ring via Insert > Part. :/ Is there a way to like freely move the ring and then rotate it at an axis to get it to link with the end of the chain?
I'll be obliged if anyone here can explain brick by brick on how to achieve my envisioned desired design. Thanks a lot!

Accepted answer

There are 2 ways:

1) Use the "Move/Copy Bodies" feature to rotate/translate the ring, or click on "Constraints" to add mates in the part file.

2) Don't import the ring in the chain's file, but start a new assembly and mate them together. That assembly file can be imported the main wallet assembly and will be considered a "sub-assembly".

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