How to Restore tool n Specification tree in Catia?

I lost my specification tree in full screen view ,pressing F3 Shows the sidebar not specification tree ,Ctrl + Middle mouse button increases or decreases sidebar size only ,i tried by changing some setting,n see what i got ,pls help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Answers

Well for all those facing this problem just type "c:swap view/tree" in command center of catia(it is situated at right bottom of the screen)

then the screen will turn dark.

after that press fit in all command

whoa there is your tree.

The problem with being able to turn on and off and manipulate the Spec Tree is this. Sometimes it just 'Disappears'. It is there but you can't see it or you have minimized it and it is out of reach. How do you fix it?

There are a few ways to fix this.

1. Make sure the Spec tree is on by selecting View -> Specifications and ensure that it is Checked On.

2. If it is On try this. Make the Spec Tree active. To do this you will need to turn off the Geometry by selecting View -> Geometry. This will uncheck it. Then select 'Fit all In'. This should Bring the Spec Tree from the unknown.


3. Same as 2 only select the XYZ Reference Axis in the lower right corner. This will under intensify your Geometry making the Spec Tree Active. Then select 'Fit all In'. This should Bring the Spec Tree from the unknown.

I you configurated CATIA to death, you can delete the Catenv directory. CATIA will "recognise" this and will make a new one. By the way I don't think you have a P3 license.....

Best regards

go to tools>options in catia v5,,,,you can c reset icon thr,,it looks like a house with dialogue box will appear ,,,select reset all option. once you do this everything will be reset to factory setting..if you are not p3 licence this option doesnt seeing your workbench i can clearly say it might be your license error

i restored everything by deleting a folder from TEMP directory

Type in command box - c:Swep view/tree