How we can make AI Waste Bin? Read Description

A user can Put bundle of Scrap/waste like Aluminium, Copper, Plastic, Garbage and many more in one machine which we called for example Waste bin or Scrap Bin
AI Can detect which type of waste is this and separate to different basket which is attach in Bin
How machine can Compose them, squeeze them, and if bin is full we can recieve text message that that bin is full etc
How this process work or how we can make this type of bin

1 Answer

With the help of artificial intelligence, such a waste collector could be created even in the form of stored data or with the help of sensor or camera recording.
When planning, it is definitely important to decide on the basis of which aspects it is necessary to take action. / home, park, industry/
For models that are currently only available in the planning phase, end-user evaluation is definitely important.