Intellectual Property

I am fairly new to this site but i thought that I would share the propeller designs that I created on solid works with the community.
They are intentionally dumb models as the working model is fairly clumsy and long in the feature tree, and is not scaleable, but I managed to create a part that I machined and proved on my model plane.
I have now created a model that has about 6 feature in the feature tree and is fully able to be scaled both in diameter and in pitch, but I am reluctant to post it as it has commercial value, (and was created on an unlicensed version of SW).
I have had approaches form another member of the community to take my work and use it for their commercial gain. should they be able to do that through this site and with my models? Am I able to sell my IP through this site? What are the rules surrounding this matter? Are you able to make contact with a person of interest and then trade with them off site or on site?
I don't even know much about this person as they don't have any information in their bio.
Can you please help guide me in this matter?


4 Answers

Is there anything special about this impeller, such that it wouldn't be considered 'prior art'?

I'll just say this and leave it at that... there's nothing special about most impellers, even if the modeling process is 'intermediate-advanced' in nature. The best designs are purpose built with lots of CFD analysis... actually, CFD drives the entire design process and the shear number of variables at work means that any impeller you might happen to download from a site, it most likely going to be sub-optimal in your design.

I have a basic rule: If it is something I can make money off of and is worth pursuing monetarily? I won't put it out there for anyone to see, period. If I'm serious about that endeavor, I'll move to provisional patent (look it up). There are some other ways to protect your idea, if you have people you can trust...

Also, keep in mind, if you are contracted by a company to design... there are some other issues to look into.

Q: I have had approaches form another member of the community to take my work and use it for their commercial gain. should they be able to do that through this site and with my models?
A: At least they were kind enough to ask. Models uploaded to a public site where downloading and sharing can lead to people making a commercial gain, or even theft.
If the model is going to make you money, or is something you are going to manufacture, it is likely a bad idea to upload it.

Q: Am I able to sell my IP through this site?
A: Maybe. This site is not really setup for the sale of models or services. Someplace like Turbosquid would be better for that (but Turbosquid is not really great for mecahanical CAD data). This site might be better used as an advertisement of your work. People see it, contact you, maybe ask you to work on a project.

Q:What are the rules surrounding this matter?
A: A riveting document entitled "Website Terms of Use" can be found at the bottom of every page.

Q: Are you able to make contact with a person of interest and then trade with them off site or on site?
A: Click a name, send a message, exchange contact details, form a company, change the planet.

Q: I don't even know much about this person as they don't have any information in their bio.
A: Lots have people have little or no biography information. Even if their bio was filled out, would you believe it? There is no telling who you are dealing with, so verify everything. This is a worldwide site. Maybe you are dealing with a legitimate member. Maybe you are dealing with a Nigerian Prince? Only you can determine these things.

Q: Can you please help guide me in this matter?
A: My opinions are above.

Not really anything special about this propeller, except that I have invested quite a few hours getting it to a stage where it can be machined and use in the real world.
Most of the CAD process is available on YouTube if they( other people) want to research it. If they can't follow the videos then they won't understand the model, or be able to use it.

Thanks for taking the time to respond