Is it really convenient?

Screen of my desktop is 24". The biggest screen of laptop is about 18-19". Is it really convenient to work with laptop?

3 Answers

I have an 18" laptop and yes, it is very convenient for me to be able to work on things whenever and wherever I happen to be. an 18" laptop screen is pretty big. With todays technology you can get plenty of computing power packed into a laptop. Is my Alienware 18x small and light? No, but it's easier than carrying a desktop around. I don't sit at a desk much due to many of the design projects i work on, so a desktop doesn't do me much good. I vote for laptop.

I had worked on both. As per my choice working on Desktop is more convenient as you got more space and better performance (as far as power is concerned). Some of my friends have Laptops (not desktops). They always have problem working long hours on Laptops.

I will personally suggest Desktop over laptop.

Вопрос скорее не в размере монитора, а в производительности. Конечно после 24" монитор на 19" будет казаться маленьким. У меня на предыдущем месте работы был ноут 20" (Aser Aspire 9920) вполне можно работать. Хотя его нутом называть не корректно, как-никак 8 кг. Это уже скорее просто переносной комп.