Is there any problem in "library section" of grabcad??


11 Answers

Hi folks, thanks for pointing out the issue. We have found and resolved the issue and things should be back to normal again.

Thanks again.

Yes, library not updated from February 28. Another problem In the "Notification" is not output information about followed engineers and projects. What it is: changing the rules or server error?

I have the same problem !

I hope so , but in a section Home - New everything is OK !

I wrote about the problem to Sara, but received no answer

So colleagues , yet nothing happens . Everything is no response !
I do not know what to do!

If you go to the front page and click on "new", all new uploads can be seen.

hope this issue will be resolved soon...

@Dyakoff sir even i also don't know the problem and you are right even i am also not getting notifications whom i am following...

@Darena Miroslav: yes sir home section is ok..

yes sir, i also mail the community manager yesterday, but still no reply..