Is there any website that offers free electrical part files to incorporate them in drawing.

I often come across some electrical equipment / part that I cannot find the part file of or somewhat close to it on internet either from the company's web page or else. and then I need to simply design it myself most of the times which is very time consuming. I am wondering if there is or are some websites that you can suggest I might look at. that would be helpful.

4 Answers

MEPContent has a lot of elektrical parts

You could try...

Mouser's site is dense, but they have pretty much everything.

When it gets into specialty stuff, you just have to know who makes what or rely on a Google search.

Here is one that is specific to Electrical Components:

I personally haven't used it, but it has been recommended in the past.

Also, I usually suggest Trace Parts or McMaster Carr for 3D models of commercially available parts

: it's not exclusively electrical parts, but it almost has a little of everything...