Need advice for tutorials about transfer from AutoCAD to NX/SolidWorks

I have to give a short course to one of new colleagues in using NX. She is AutoCAD 2D user so I need advices from people who have already crossed that road from 2D to 3D how to help her. I never used 2D CAD software, so I have no idea what she can and what she can't do in 3D...

1 Answer

Start with the sketch features, just show her how to enter a sketch mode, then this will be familiar for her, let her try doing couple of sketches. Then explain her how to pick a plane for a sketch. And then explain her what she could do with the drafted sketch in terms of solid features. Just apply it one by one to her sketch so she can see a result. In my experiense this shell be enough for student, and from this point they usually discovering everything else by themselves.