Need help with Phone case model

I tried to think of multiple ways to do it but no luck. I uploaded my attempt just to showed I tried but it's not that great. A person might want to start from scratch. I would appreciate the help.

5 Answers

Le truc c'est d'effectuer un balayage surfacique avec une courbe ne dépassant pas le rayon du coin et de terminer avec un lissage.
The trick is to perform a surface sweep with a curve not exceeding the radius of the corner and finish with a smoothing.

This is fairly simple. Start with a simple rectangle extrude and use fillets with distances, since you have all the dimentions. Finall step is to do a shell with the desired thickness. I do not believe that you will need someone to model this for you...
Good luck.

Is this what you were looking for?

One issue with phone cases, and similar consumer devices, is that a simple fillet is not often used to blend or contour the model. In a real-world application you'd need to spend additional time to make all the surfaces curvature continuous.

You can evaluate the curvature and appearance of parts with the Zebra Stripes, and Curvature tools.

Some of the newer Conic Fillet options will help too.

Ok i think there is a simI found a better procedure, good for several applications surface or volume. I extruded the shape but I added a contour of material equal to the tangential portion of the fillet of 5mm up to the radius of corner of 9mm which gives me an extruded rectangle of 112.06 by 58.74 with radii of corners of 8mm + An outline of 1.80835779 mm. After I "removed the material" on 2 sides then I "removed the material" with a 90 degree revolution in a corner with the portion of the same sketch minus the excess of 10.80835779 mm. Finally symmetrize the functions before making a shell of 1mm. The explanation is not as simple as the result! :)ple way combined extruded end revolve for the corners