PC configuration for large files (STEP,IGES, etc)

I am looking to upgrade my PC for handling large(really large) files that my customers send me. They range from around 0,5 to 2GB. I keep losing customers due to my hardware. I would now like to upgrade. I would like to hear recommendation from you guys. The image below shows my existing configurations.

I generally use Solidworks, FreeCAD and Magics most of the time. Blender/MeshLab rarely.

2 Answer

Although the features of your computer looks good, technology seems to be weak. :-) Many drawing design programs require more best quality hardware. Especially when it says the program version.. This may force more expensive computers. :-) The content of the files is a separate issue. More megabytes, a more complex design phenomenon.

It may be useful to add rem to your existing computer. You need to know the technical specifications for the motherboard on the computer. Supported maximum rem amount is specified as the product specification.
To accelerate you will add rem to your computer.

You can also increase the amount of rem on the computer. It may be good to use a certain area of the hard disk as a rem.

After all, don't expect too much. You may need to purchase a new computer.

It would be ideal to also show the complexity of model being worked on. Is a 2GB step file a part? An assembly?
What are you doing that needs to be faster? Rendering? Analysis? Modifying the models?
I'm familiar with SOLIDWORKS and Magics.

Your CPU is 4 cores right?
You could double the amount of RAM, but it may provide little difference. Watch how much is used. If you use all 16GB, get more RAM, or close down background tasks.
Using a Quadro card with SW rather than a gaming cards is always a good choice. It may not make a huge difference though. Do parts rotate very slowly on the screen?
A newer, faster, bigger SSD may help the time it takes to start the PC, open programs, and load models into RAM.