Related to NX Design Associate Certification

NX is currently taught in my university and I thought it would be helpful for me in future if I get certification from NX for Design Associate exam, which basically covers the part modelling and assembly. As I'm a mechanical engineering student, I think it would be helpful for me to show that certification in my resume.

Though it costs 150 USD. Is it wise to spend that much amount in that certification?

Please tell your views about it.

1 Answer

As someone who hired and trained interns for a number of years... I think it says a lot, but probably not for the reasons you think. More than the certificate, it tells me that you're willing to take steps at becoming better at your craft, which in turn tells me a lot about the kind of person you are.

These are 3 things I feel are good indicators of high performers. I'll try to place them in some order of importance...

1. Worked on a project team at the University: SAE motorsport, Robotics, etc., not only in design/simulation but in manufacturing and building
2. Designs and builds things in their spare time: Petrol heads, robotics, sustainable energy, etc.. You get the point; a love of designing and building things.
3. Interest in mechanisms and machinery design... asks lots of questions, is curious and inquisitive... indicative of someone who loves learning.

Yes, you need some competence in modeling software but most of that development happens on the job. The other qualities are what make a good team candidate.