Seeking for help about editing and modifying this 48 slot AA battery rugged box

I am a student that is seeking for help to modify this 48 slot AA battery rugged box. I have the stl file. I am asking for help to turn it into a 30 slot and 60 slot AA battery rugged box. I have zero knowledge in editing or making a 3d model. I have tried watching several YouTube videos about making an stl file editable. But I have no idea how to edit the file I have. I have no means to hire a 3D designer.

I hope someone will take consideration to try and modify the file I have. Your help will be very much appreciated.

Accepted answer

Easy peazy.
Might print these for myself.

The cavities are on a 16.2mm pitch. It's a matter of slicing it up, then copying and moving the slices around. Finally joining all the pieces back together into one solid.

Costco Battery Cases AA, 30 Count, 48 Count, 60 Count

1 Other answer

Turns out it was a great candidate to directly convert to a STEP file. This is the source that you will need to start with to make modifications.

What changes are you planning on making? For both the 30 and the 60 count what array do you desire? (rows x columns) The 48 count is 6 x 8.

It looks like this would be an easy edit.