Suppres/Rollback in CATIA V5 (transitioning from SolidWorks)?


I've used SolidWorks for the last few years, and now I've switched to CATIA. Is there anything like the rollback/suppress feature from SolidWorks (that allows you to move up the feature manager tree into any point in the build process) in CATIA v5?

3 Answers

If I understand your question... To Rollback in CATIA; right-click on the feature you want to roll back to, and choose Define In Work Object.

1. The current "work object" will be underlined
2. Everything below the underlined feature will be ignored
3. New features will be added immediately below the underlined feature

If your are working on many features like pad,pocket etc. You will see a underline at last feature. To roll back, to any above feature right click on that feature and select "define in working object". note: underline will be identified. To supress, right click and select deactivate. To replace the features click on tree and drag and drop to desired place.

In CATIA, Suppress is called "Deactivate." Right-click on the feature and choose Deactivate.

To Unsuppress, use Activate.