Tutorial 35: How to make Composite Material (GFRP) preparing sample for tensile test

How to make Composite Material (GFRP) preparing sample for tensile test

2 Answers

I'd b happy to help u, but your question is a very general...

Do you have any samples? of carbon? Resin? Is it pre-preg?

Do you know what type of carbon you'd like to test? Uni or multi directional?

What about strength (on paper that is) or density of the carbon...

The grade? General... Aerospace? In the middle like Toray's T300?

Basically, you have to find a non-cured carbon you want to test... If u call some of the large companies, I'm sure they'll send u a few pieces for for free, for testing.

Once you decide which carbon, how many layers?

Do u have access tho an autoclave or dedicated oven? ****DO NOT USE THE OVEN YOU COOK FROM!****

In this case, because it's a small part, you could buy a small desktop "toaster oven"?

Once you decide your carbon & how many layers, u need to figure out your resin system.

Since we are testing, you'll basically be pulling the cured material until it splinters & breaks... Fails!

I think a vacuum bag is helpful to help remove any possible voids, but using shrink wrap for several mins works well. It may not work as well, but it does help.

You need a smooth surface, I would say glass is your best choice. Brush on a light cost of resin, release film, felt to absorb any excess resin, vacuum bag if this is what you plan on doing and follow the instructions on the resin for how long you need to cure at.

I'm sure the above YouTube vid is helpful. But if you check YouTube, there are too many! Vids of carbon fiber/CFRP.

If u need exact instructions on how to test it, let me know. I'm not an engineer, but I would think attaching one end in a vice with soft clamps (rubber over the metal to protect your sample). Some way you need to rig up a pulley & a weight & slowly add weight until your sample splinters & fails.

Hope I helped!