What is your salary? And how many hours you work a week?

Hello Engineers, I want to know your salary and how many hours you work a week to get such a salary. And if it is possible name your country please.

Accepted answer

If you are looking to go into engineering and money is a deciding factor, then like Cmalco said, they're are easier jobs.

If you are wondering how much you can charge for engineering work. that is a whole can or worms that needs to be opened.

Short answer: I've known "engineers" making $12/hour at a TV station in Montana, and "Engineers" pulling in $250,000/year + in the North Dakota Oil patch. Until recently, I personally live very comfortably as a Mechanical Engineer (Non PE) with a wage rage of 65,000 to 120,000 a year depending on experience, location and truthfully luck (North Western USA). Most positions in America request 40 hours a week.

1 Other answer

Personal question and one I don't personally like to get into. It varies region to region and sector. I would suggest a Google search for "average Mechanical Engineer salaries" "Average Aerospace Engineer salaries", etc.

If you're doing this for the salary then there are better paying professions where you don't need to know near as much to anywhere near the degree of proficiency.