why my autodesk inventor files are not preview in this site

i uploadded about 3 atuodesk invntor files but iam unable to preview these fils

2 Answer

Nothing you are doing wrong. GrabCAD does not offer a preview of Inventor files.

Best to leave Inventor files off the gallery view. Just create some simple renderings and also use some STEP files.

Regardless of the CAD system used, it's a good idea to include renderings of your model. GrabCAD may take hours or even days to render some CAD files. In addition, GrabCAD doesn't always remain compatible with the latest CAD program releases.

不支持的文件格式:不是所有的网站或平台都支持欧特克 Inventor 文件格式。某些网站可能仅支持常见的文件格式,如PDF、JPEG等。

文件大小限制:某些网站对上传的文件大小有限制。如果您的欧特克 Inventor 文件太大,可能无法上传或预览。

文件版本不兼容:如果您的欧特克 Inventor 文件使用较新版本的软件创建,而网站或平台不支持该版本,可能无法预览。

