Add graphics to your design in Solidworks.

To add graphics and trademarks in solidworks there is an option called as Decal. So let us learn how to do that.

  1. Step 1: Open Decal Library.

    Go to Display manager -> Decals -> Open Decal Library.

  2. Step 2: Set Orientation of the component

  3. Step 3: Set view parallel to the decal.

  4. Step 4: Browse for custom image to use as decal.

    You can also use pre-defined decals from right side of window.

  5. Step 5: Select the face or feature on which you need to apply the decal.

  6. Step 6: Now you need to scale the image properly.

  7. Step 7: Click OK after done with required adjustments.

  8. Step 8: Check if the decal is properly applied.
