Clevis mount. Autodesk Inventor. 3D CAD practice. How to make cbp–08042023–006.00🙉

In this tutorial, I share how to create 3D parts and an assemble in Autodesk Inventor (2021). This is the assemble 006–СП «Серьга подвесная» (Clevis mount).
You'll see how to use dimensions and constrain on sketch, Extrude, Revolve, Chamfer, Thread commands, how to constrain parts in an assemble.
I hope you enjoy it!

You can find this drawing in my Instagram, Telegram, ВКонтакте, Яндекс.Дзен. You can find the links here

  1. Step 1: Корпус (Housing) part

  2. Step 2: Винт (Screw) part

  3. Step 3: Проушина (Clevis rod) part

  4. Step 4: Палец (Clevis pin) part

  5. Step 5: Assemble parts
