Creo 7 what's new - all in one

Multibody Design, Unconventional modeling, Topology Optimization, Lattice improvements, How to Move Default CSYS, How to setup custom template, Understanding of model intent, How to Transform thread shape to another model, and more...

  1. Step 1: Multibody Design

  2. Step 2: Unconventional modeling

  3. Step 3: Topology Optimization

  4. Step 4: Lattice improvements

  5. Step 5: How to Move Default CSYS

  6. Step 6: How to setup custom template

  7. Step 7: Understanding of model intent

  8. Step 8: How to Transform thread shape to another model

  9. Step 9: Offset and Helical Sweep - Unconventional modeling

  10. Step 10: How to trace image

  11. Step 11: Sketch enhancement

  12. Step 12: Draft Enhancements
