Door handle with texture

This tutorial is going to show the main steps on how to apply the relation to the 3d model. wish it could be helpful.

  1. Step 1: Create the handle surface

  2. Step 2: Create a variable helical sweep surface interset with handle surface

    Draw a funtion graph.

    Sweep a normal radiative surface along the handle center curve.

    Type the funtion relation.

    Now you get a variable helical radiative sweep surface.

  3. Step 3: Create the intersect curves

    Create the intersect curves between handle surface and sweep surface.

    Also connect the end curves.

    Complete the curves like this.

  4. Step 4: Create sweep texture slots

    Create slot surface one by one.

    Merge all texture slots.

  5. Step 5: Final step

    Solidify the raw handle surface.

    Cut the solid handle with textrue surface.
