File Naming Conventions. A Necessity!

These are some important practical recommendations, issued by renowned experts and universities, regarding the need to have a fair, useful, practical and effective File Naming Convention (FNC).

This is not "data management", like the PDM that SW has.
That is another topic to be discussed.
FNC applies to any type of file that we use and generate in our applications on the computer.
We hope it will be useful.

  1. Step 1: INTRODUCTION...

  2. Step 2: Stanford Univeristy...

  3. Step 3: Internet Article...

  4. Step 4: Internet Article...(2)

  5. Step 5: Internet Article...(3)

  6. Step 6: Internet Article...(4)

  7. Step 7: Internet Article...(5)

  8. Step 8: Another Internet Article...

  9. Step 9: Example: City of Margate (case)

  10. Step 10: Multiple Option... One Choise!
