This time we will use equations for something more practical... Model fish tanks of various sizes, different glass thicknesses and other parameters.
(Of course, this is just an example to use the equations in a practical way).

For the SW Parts go to:
FISH TANK CATALOG w Equations (Tutorial)
For the first tutorial, pleas go to:

  1. Step 1: FISH TANKS... Intro

  2. Step 2: Basic Data...

    Knowing the Global Variables involved.

    Open the Equations Dialog Box to enter all the data shown bellow.

  3. Step 3: Modeling the Fish Tank Body...

    OK, first, as in tutorial #1, model the fish tank normally, and then edit the Sk to introduce the values of the GVs

  4. Step 4: Shelling the Tank & Starting Content...

  5. Step 5: Finishing the Liquid Content & Verifying

    Here we perform a check to see if the volume generated by the equations is the one we initially wanted to have, and as can be seen, it is exact.

  6. Step 6: Playing Around with de Values...

  7. Step 7: Creating a Family of Fish Tanks...

  8. Step 8: Process Flow... (How To)

    This is the process we are going to follow, from the introduction of the values in the equations, to the creation of independent files for each fish tank.

    It is very important to BREAK THE EXTERNAL REFERENCES, that is to say, to unlink the model from the original file containing the equations, in this way we can generate a library of independent fish tanks.

  9. Step 9: The Final Items...

    And here we have the different fish tanks created by the equations.

    You can appreciate the great ease and accuracy of the results.

    If you really have a similar business, you can make the most elaborate models, with all the elements of a real fish tank, and generate amazing results with very little effort.
